Wednesday, September 17, 2008


PhotobucketIsn't the weather just wonderful?! Well, here in Magnolia it is anyway. I love the 60-75-ish weather we're having! For some reason, this time of year always boosts my spirit!
Just to let you know, Bizzy B's is about to have new creations!! I'm soo pumped! I'll post them ASAP for you all to see! A dear friend of mine has given me so much encouragement and has been a huge help in answering my questions on some of these soon-to-be new items that I MUST thank her! Thanks "sew" much Lauren and you'll never know how appreciative of you I am!
I'm super pumped about getting to make and design for the Columbia Christian Scream Team! That age (little girls) is so fun and they are so full of energy! I will be posting those finished creations as soon as I can for you as well.
Well, just wanted to blog this week. I don't have anything to show you just yet, but I've cut out at least 5 things so be looking...
Have a great week!
~God Bless

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