So I found these wooden letters at Hob Lob when I was getting everything else for the playroom/sewing nook and had to have them; I have no idea what I'm going to do with them or put them yet but I do love them. I decided to paint them myself, which I have always loved to paint and it is one of my talents I think that God gave me to express myself and release built up tension and creativity. I just started painting and this is how they ended up

I think I'm going to take this one and frame it and have it hang alone in a matted frame; the other 3 NO IDEA where they'll go but I'm thinking just scattered on a shelf or something..any ideas?? Oh and the little wooden blocks were just for fun, no idea where they'll go
(nevermind the bubble wrap they are drying on...had to use something to protect the shag rug I am totally in love with and almost fall asleep on every night watching TV in there...haha...)
I'm thinking I have a new Bizzy B's item....Hand-painted letters for nurseries, frames, ANYTHING!...hmm...can be painted according to your bedding, theme, decor of choice! I know this has been done a MILLION TIMES but why not...every little thing I love to do I want to incorporate into Bizzy B's.
Bizzy B's started as a hobby and just fun talent I found and turned into a possible ministry for me full of the collaboration of my love's, talents & creativity just 2 years ago and is more now than I thought it would ever be! So any new idea I have to make other's smile and happy and to show just a glimpse of the beauty of God's heart in their lives, I'm all for! Afterall, isn't that how we minister? I know I am not called to be a public speaker (stage fright, SEVERELY) or a poetic writer but I do feel called to share my passions and my creativity w/ others and that is my ministry. I am not a bible scholar or even someone who can quote The Word w/o having to check the scriptures first (I'm TERRIBLE at second-guessing myself)...but I can sew, paint, decorate, create, and sing and all those things together make up the ministry I feel God has planned for me. I want Bizzy B's to show God's beauty and love in all of's not easy working full-time (not at home), being a mom to Shelby, wife to Josh, highly involved church member and trying to run a small business that was initially just an idea and hobby. It's not cheap, I don't make a lot of money, I don't have orders or projects every week, and I do not spend every second I'm not at work sewing, painting, or creating. My God & family come 1st above all else and any time left after them is devoted to Bizzy B's. Life is full of it's pro's and con's but I do feel like God has given me this opportunity and I feel like I should continue to strive to make my dream come true for Bizzy B's. I have a feeling this year is going to be full of changes, opportunities and challenges that are going to rock my world and I'm thoroughly excited to see where God leads and takes me.
I ask that you pray for God's wisdom, strength, guidance and light to guide and direct me and my ways. Uncertainty I do not handle well but God is with me and that is enough for me.
I added a new feature to my right-hand column, a Chat Box! Feel free to leave comments, questions or a simply "HEY"! I'd love to hear from ya!
~God bless,