My body cannot get any bigger...omg...39 weeks now |
yeap! we have 9 more days til we meet baby Rhett!! I told shelby this when she woke up this morning and she threw her arms in the air and shouted, "I AM SO SUPER SUPER EXCITED!" and had the biggest smile on her face! :) That made my ENTIRE DAY! :) She is so ready to be a big sister and I hope Rhett's ready for all the lovin he's goin to get because she's coming!
I think we finally decided on a game plan for when he arrives and how we will have her occupied and what not. This week and next week will be spent preparing bags, the room, cleaning up, etc...for his arrival! I feel so different this time than I did at this point when I was pregnant with Shelby! It's funny to read how I was feeling at
39 weeks with her and how calm and just ready I am for him to be out and in my arms. I have NO anxiety about my delivery, partially because it's a scheduled csection and I know what to expect and because I KNOW I won't be in all the pain I was in for the length of time I was in when I had to be induced with shelby, prior to the csection (You can read all about that fun experience
here.). I feel so prepared this time. I know what the csection will be like, how recovery goes, and how the whole newborn thing goes and since Shelby wasn't an easy newborn, I feel like we are prepared for the worst but something tells me he will be more laid back and easier. Shelby is going to be such a great big sister and I can't wait!
Shelby had a cheer event at SAU last week where they cheered at the SAU Basketball game. It was sooo funny!
playin at Mammy & Pop Pop's makin a flour and sprinkles cake outside |
This past sunday it was sooo beautiful outside and warm! Josh and Shelby planted an apple tree, which we've been informed must have another one planted next to it for cross pollination...how am I supposed to know this?
Rhett's room is 95% finished!! :) Just a few more details and it's done! Guess I better get on the ball since I have 9 days!
I painted him a small pallet for this wall and the "Rhett" banner was from his shower! :) |
I painted 3 small canvases and hung them above the twin bed. The middle canvas I found at Walmart. It's covered in burlap! LOVED it! |
His changing pad is in place as well as his diaper changing essentials in the organizer hanging off the end of the dresser, you can kinda see that. |
His hospital wreath won't hang there on my sewing nook door but for now, that's where it is.. Big Bear fits right into place there in the glider :) |
This week's Mommy & Me Monday we had a dr's appt that morning in Texarkana to check on Rhett and then Daddy went to work and sheebs and I had our baby lessons all day. She is so super smart and knows so much already since I've been gently coaching her how to properly care for her baby dolls that it's actually sunk in and she's associated it with how to properly care for her baby brother that's soon to come! We had a diapering and washing/hygiene lesson this time and she did so well! She said, "Thank you mommy! I didn't know how to put on diapers the right way before!"
we also had stroller and car seat safety as well. She loves to push her baby around the house all buckled in safe and sound. |
I think I've figured out how I want the changing pad. Originally, I was going to make a cover for the pad out of orange minky dot or orange fleece but I've run out of time. I took a blanket mom made for Rhett to see how it would look and just tucked it in and it looks great! It's soo soft and perfect fleece for this. I remembered mom saying she had some of this fabric left over and so I asked if she would mind making him a cover for his changing pad with it. She said she would! :) Yeah!!! much better than a tucked blanket and now I can use the blanket! I need to get some of those changing pad pads to put under it, even though the pad itself is water resistant and it has a white terrycloth cover under this tucked in blanket. One trick I used when shelby was a baby was I always used a cloth diaper under her on ANY changing pad/table I used not only for sanitary reasons but for those little Ugh Oh's that happen and I'M TOLD will happen a lot more w/ a little boy.

Just 9 more days... 9 more days....