Tuesday, January 12, 2016

You’re rain … so rain. You’re snow … so snow

Last night no one in our home really slept very well, all for different reasons. Rhett was up and down, so therefore Josh was up and down til about 11pm and then he was asleep but coughing so I went in and rubbed some Vicks on his feet (which by the way is awesome when it comes to that cough you have at night that keeps you awake! Rub some Vicks on the soles of your feet and put some socks on and VOILA!) and then he went back to sleep. Shelby woke up for some reason about 1am and so Josh went in with her and then God kept waking me up and so I just sat up and prayed. I prayed for revelation as to what He wanted me to hear and then I just listened. I eventually fell back asleep.

5am came WAY TOO EARLY and so in my usual routine I got up, went into the bathroom and started my daily routine. I always do my devotional first. My devotional this morning (I do Proverbs 31 Ministries email devotional) was on Job 37:5-6, "God's voice thunders in marvelous ways; he does great things beyound our understanding. He says to the snow, 'Fall on the earth,' and to the rain shower, 'Be a mighty downpour.'" 
So.. Essentially He's saying: JUST DO THE THING I'VE ACTUALLY CREATED YOU TO DO. YOU'RE RAIN... SO RAIN. YOU'RE SNOW...SO SNOW! WOW! This is HUGE! A portion of the devotional said, "He doesn’t tell the snow to thaw and become rain, or the rain to freeze itself into snow. He says, essentially: Do your thing. Do the thing you love to do, what you’ve been created to do." Is that not AMAZING?? Finding myself and my calling has been on my heart A LOT and THIS IS WHY HE WOKE ME UP....
You can read the entire devotional HERE.


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