Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Lava Necklace

As you know I'm a Young Living Essential Oils FANATIC and use them FOR EVERYTHING! I diffuse them, apply them, smell them, ingest them, you name it, I use it!  I got the coolest gift in the mail the other day. A friend sent this to me and it's amazing! It's a Lava Stone necklace that you put essential oils on. It's a personal diffuser! It's also so dainty and beautiful!!
The store you can purchase one from, and many other styles, is called Lava Essentials.

This is the scale of the one I wear. I sleep in it as well and add my "sleepy time" oils (Lavender, Peace and Calming and Cedarwood). Can't imagine how beneficial it will be when I'm sick w/ a cold or congestion! During the day I add Joy and Progessence Plus. 

I've seen the pendant ones but I wanted something dainty and small that I could wear everyday and sleep in. It's super light and the gold is beautifully made and shimmery!
You drop your oils on the stone(triangle) and rub them in.
If you're intrigued by the oils I use daily, please let me help you! You can visit my Young Living site HERE.

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