Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Dancing Queen

After my blog post from last week, I received several touching messages and comments reassuring me we're not alone in our loss and uplifted us in their thoughts and prayers and for that I say, Thank You!

My devotional is getting good and I'm not even into it good! Still learning about being content and recently that saying NO is ok and empowering....I highly recommend this devotional and feel that it's great for any woman in any situation and walk of life...

Introducing KDAS Recital Pics 2013

This past week, Shelby had dance pictures and boy was it fun and exhausting!! She is in her element when it comes to pictures, video, and performing.... Hahah.. wonder where that came from?! LOL...
See how much she and her BFF Joci have grown since last year?! The black siamese cats were last year as well as the pink and white ballerinas... and OMG THE CHOO CHOO SOUL COSTUMES TURNED OUT EXACTLY HOW THEY DID IN MY HEAD AND ARE PRECIOUS!!!! wow... I can't believe their 2nd recital is coming up.... wow...
CC & Sheebee Bunnies


ChooChoo Soul Girls.... And debut of my very first costume design for all 9 girls


Mermaid Ballerina


Got a hula hoop for great smiles

showing me her moves

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