Due to "life" I've neglected my blog, again.... My dad's mom died Friday, visitation was Sunday and the funeral was Monday. The weekend was a whirlwind of emotions and family, but was a celebration of Granma's life, her marriage of 71 YEARS and how awesome a woman she was to those she touched and reached.

This was taken the day Shelby was born and the first time Granma met and held "her baby".
Also, I was to start work Monday for 2 days a week at SAU again but due to the funeral, I started today! :) I had a great day!!!!! Im working in the Communications Center where all the print work, copying, University designing, etc. happens. Definitely up my alley!!! Working with adults 2 days a week, still getting to sew when I choose and remaining a SAHM!
Shelby's growing sooo fast and is unbelievable!!! Night before last she decided she was to big to sleep in a pull up so she fought us to wear panties and we told her if she needed to pee pee to tell us over the monitor and we would come get her. Well when I went to get her yesterday to wake her up, she says, " momma I need to pee pee now". Plain as that! Hahaha and then rode her tricycle for the first time without any help!! I have a video on my phone but have NO IDEA how to upload it on here through Blogger. Any ideas!!?????
This weekend will have lots of cute Halloween/Fall Fest pics of Shelby!! For now, this is all i've got...

Taken by a worker in Graduate Studies at SAU' Homecoming 2011

Our sweet lil pun-kin....