Church was great too!!! We've started a new fellowship called 4x4 where 4 couples for 4 months get to know each other out of church. Bro. Steven picked the groups and we got our groups tonight. This is gonna be soooo fun! We scheduled our first fellowship for Friday at my house! :) We are gonna have soo much fun! Each group is soo diverse! Ours consists of my familly (2 adults and 1 toddler), The Basinger's (2 adults, 1 teen boy, 1 pre-teen girl, & 1 almost 2 yr old girl), The Morgan's (2 adults over 50) and the Long's (2 adults over 50). We are gonna have BBQ (mmmm) and play Scrabble (some type of anyway!)!! Can't wait!!!
I love having things to look forward to in my week. Since becoming a SAHM, the time w/ just me and Shelby alone is great but after a while, I MUST HAVE something to do to get us out of the house!! This weather's been soo great here so we've been able to be outside a lot and we've found out how FUN the park is! Shelby TERRIFIES ME by how adventurous and FEARLESS she is (100% JOSH!)! She climbs the faux-rocks to get to the TOP OF THE SLIDE to slide down FOR THE VERY 1ST TIME HEAD-FIRST as she laughs the whole way down and then wants to do it again!! OMG....she wore me out!! She also LOVES the big huge slide that I couldn't take a pic of b/c she was scaring the bee-gee's outta me so I was momma hawk tryin to keep her alive! LOL...but I did get these adorable pics!!!!

(yes, her bow is green but her shirt had green in it even tho her hoodie doesn't! LOL)

SEE?!!! omg.....

SHELBY AMAZES ME DAILY HOW FAST SHE'S GROWING AND IT'S SOOOO BITTERSWEET!! OMG she is ALMOST 2!!! :( I love every day w/ her (good and not so good...there are no bad days b/c Shelby is good, God is good and my life is good! Just as the journal Josh got me says, "There are no ordinary days...") I think it's hit me how fast she's growing when we redecorated her room to her "Big Girl" room...I finalized it w/ her wall decals..THEY ARE ADORABLE! I found them on eBay but they are from Target (just as the bedding was too). The thing I DON'T LIKE about them is that they do NOT stay stuck like the dots & my scripture vinyl does. Guess that's what ya get for the price...they are still cute though!!! They stay stuck, just some parts come up w/ the humidifier on or her heater on at night by the morning time.

I JUST LOVE her bed!! Her room is sooo cute!! I wanna live in there!! LOL

her bow holder USE-TO be a leotard silouette w/ tutu but now it's just a big bow blob! LOL...I also LOVE seeing the smocked dress she wore her 1st day at church (Father's Day 2009). She was 2 weeks old.... *tear*....It's a reminder of how fast time has flown by....

I didn't want to remove her scripture b/c it is soo symbolic and meaningful of our journey to Shelby and so it's only fitting for the tree to surround that and to show the growth of our family. I also wanted the little squirrel, that she kisses each morning, to be on her level to love on and see. I kinda built the "scene" around her bed and how it's made up w/ the pillows so the decals are above where the pillows lie. I've got 3 more custom-made hootie owls coming from my Phi Mom, AmyG (she was my sorority sister, pledge class mom-mentor). She's got the same bedding and decor in her girls room and made THE CUTEST owls for her little girl's so she's making some for Shelby's in 3 different sizes and w/ custom-monogramming!! I can't wait to see them!! Here's the ones she has that she did for her baby, Lydia Joy, to take her "Watch Me Grow" pics with:

(photos courtesy of Amy)
She made the brown one and a sweet lady made the other one out of the quilt fabrics, which i love how whimsical they are!! I love how different they are and how one side is different than the other! Can't wait to see what she does w/ the 3 for Shelby! She said she's gotta something creative in mind! :) LOVE IT!! I'm sooooo glad to know and have a sisterhood w/ such a creative person!! Love you AmyG (even though you're now Amy M! LOL)!
Ok so if you've been reading my blog, or know me, you know how shoes are my "thing!" lol... usually the higher the better but...I've found some new "loves" that are flats!! I do love ballet flats but these are actually comfy, EXTREMLY COMFY and if I had known about them when I was pregnant, I would have worn them 24/7!!!

I got the silver, which is sooo adorable and sassy, and ordered me and my mom the black glitter too b/c she would look toooooooo sassy in them and would match her work or play clothes! I got the black too b/c I wear a lot of black b/c I've convinced myself that black REALLY IS slimming! LOL....

Josh says these look like something Michael Jackson would've worn and asks me if I'm gonna bust out a Moon Walk anytime soon but ya know, he's always known I'm a flashy dresser/accessorizer! LOL...Gotta love me! I may even have to get the pink one's to support my Phi Mu sisters which it's rush week comin up and wanna wish the girls the best of luck! Bring 'em on HΦΜE sisters!
Well...ya know I can't leave ya w/o some Bizzy B's news...Bizzy B's will be showcased on The Magnolia Square coming this Spring!!! :) I will fill ya in more later on the location and details soon!! It won't be in the typical store... :) It's a store that's SOOO MY STYLE AND GENRE OF PRETTIES! :) I've got A LOT of sewing to do and it's gonna begin this week....