Well, if you keep up with my Facebook you saw that our weekend went from bad to worse, much worse, in a day. You can read the saga and progression of the nightmare we've been through with Shelby and her lil body Here where it all began and the Continuation how we got to where we were yesterday.

Never in my life would I have dreamed Shelby would be admitted to ACH

After 24 MORE HOURS on Sunday without Shelby not peeing since the catheter in Texarkana, we couldn't wait any longer and even though the ACH Urologist was to call we decided loading her up and carrying her to Little Rock was best. We were right.... After almost 10 hours in their ER having a foley catheter inserted, 2 Ultrasounds and an X-Ray they admitted Shelby. They discovered debris in her bladder and once again no sign of a UTI. They also had what St. Michaels had done saying there was no UTI. The doctors said the infection and debris in her bladder caused her bladder to not function properly and pretty much shut down to where it would spasm constantly but never release. She didn't pee on her own from Thursday morning until Monday afternoon.
The foley catheter was traumatic, as well as the other two she had, and nothing relieved her pain Sunday and Monday until all the tests were run and it was able to be removed. None of us slept at all Sunday night. Josh and i switched out holding her all night as she screamed out in pain from her bladder spasms. Monday They ran a VCUG test.

After that she wasn't allowed to get off the table until she peed the dye out and as soon as they told her that SHE DID IT!!!!!!! I cried, josh cried and we praised God and Shelby sooooooo much!! We were also happy because the cath was out and so was she! Shelby was a totally different kid!

The urologists came and told us it was all fine and her kidneys and bladder were doing great! MIRACLE!! She was then told we had to stay til she peed on her own without any help and to let her relax and do what she pleases so we took her to play and she peed all over herself but she PEED!!!

We were discharged and on the road by 2pm. The urologists said she is to be on Miralax for at least 6 weeks and come back then for a checkup and to just be herself and not force her to use anything she doesn't want to so we have her in pull ups b/c she's sooo afraid of the bathroom now. She's just now ok with us changing her clothes and pull up. We have to retrain her mind and body that it's ok to use the potty because it's hurt her sooo much for a week and is so traumatized.

It's gonna be a long road to make her fear go away but we are thankful her body is ok and she's in no more pain!! Thanks you to all of you who prayed, called, text, facebooked,and sent Shelby cards and gifts! We felt all of you surround us!! God is soo amazing and brought us through this and brought us closer together because in an instant your life can fall apart and be brought back together again in just 4 LONG days...
These are just a few of the special gifts from nurses/ staff of ACH as well. Shelby's friends and loved ones:

We are forever grateful for the care we received intially at Magnolia Regional Medical Center,St. Michaels in Texarkana and the amazing care we got at Arkansas Children's.