Thursday, March 28, 2013

The Circus Came to Church

We had a blast last night! Our church sponsored the Carson & Barnes Circus on our church property and boy was it fun! I'd never been to a circus and neither had Shelby! It was all I hoped it'd be!
The circus was a fundraiser for Expecting an Encounter which is a ministry our pastor and our church is apart of and supports.  Expecting an Encounter exist to help others realize that no matter what issue they face in life Jesus Christ is the answer.
Expecting an Encounter ministries desire to work through the local church for the kingdom of God. It is our hope to identify those who are hopeless, desperate and hurting. Our message is simple; healing and restoration are possible through the grace of Jesus Christ.
The Word was given and there was a packed house both times and so I know someone was reached!! :)
Here's a photo-recap of our night!

Needless to say, we all had a blast!!! :)

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