Isn't she just PRECIOUS!! I am partial but come on?! lol....

I also got my 1st Coach bag from my Daddy!!! :) I feel kinda awkward carrying such an expensive bag but I love it and thank my parents soo much for being so good to me when I do not deserve it...
God is sooo at work! He has weaved me, Josh and a good friend of ours, Joana, together as a group to sing and honor Him and OH MY GOSH is it amazing! ONLY GOD b/c I'VE NEVER been able to sing harmony and now, it's like, I just get it....we've been singing in church for a little while together but have our first "gig" June 7th at Joana's dad's church for their revival! we are singing 8 songs I think! OMG...lol.... Only God can do this! we've been friends for years and never dreamed of this till one sunday we decided we'd sing a song and it just fit!! Please pray for God's glory to be shown through us to those who need to see Him.
~God bless,
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