A week or so ago I got this message in my etsy store about a nomination for "best diaper bag" and I thought it was spam but I guess it's not b/c I got an email notification yesterday and checked it out and IT'S TRUE! So, I'm asking you to PLEASE Nominate ME FOR PARENTSCONNECT Custom Diaper Bag for a Parents' Picks Award! I am really excited and honored to be chosen to be in the running for this!
Well, this is day 2 of my summer w/ Shelby! Yesterday was very productive so today is gonna be folding laundry, playing w/ Shelby, getting the dry cleaning, making a bank deposit, and who knows what else!
Shelby has started weaning herself off the bottle lately so my goal for her to be off the bottle by our cruise on June 20th seems positive! She's down to 3 bottles a day and is eating more table foods now. She's still picky (like me lol)but is doing really well! She's also standing w/o holding on a lot more. Mammy and I were almost brought to tears yesterday watching her do this. We are all trying to intice her to walk but so far it's not working. She just gets her "red-headed temper" goin. LOL...She's very set in her ways, like me. LOL...She's learning and growing so fast! She now will hug things she likes and pat them, which she's picked that up b/c I pat when I hug. LOL...she claps whenever there's music and dances sometimes! lol...I cannot believe how fast this is going by... To think of where we were a year ago seems unreal!
I still feel like I look 5 months pregnant though :(. I just can't get rid of the stomach and hips...It is easier now that I'm home and busy b/c I don't really have time to each and snack so I think I'll lose weight easier. I want to lose the extra 10-15 lbs. I gained prior to getting pregnant thanks to the fertility drugs I had to take. It's tough but I think I can do it. Any tips for a busy mom? I WANT TO lose this by the cruise (June 20th) for sure but would love to by Shelby's 1st birthday (June 12th).

have a great day and rejoice in the Lord....
~God bless,
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