Thursday, December 10, 2015

Busy Kee's

We have had a busy few weeks and will continue to have a busy few weeks until school is out and then the Christmas festivities begin! Between our schedule and Mr. Alan's, shelby's only been able to ride once since Color Congress in Tulsa. We went out last weekend and she warmed up on Badger but moved up to a BEAUTIFUL boy named Eddie. He was amazing and shelby did well on him. "It takes some time to get to know each other's buttons," Mr. Alan said but they did well.  It was a beautiful day at Shaw Performance Horses! We haven't been able to ride this week and hope to soon.

We got shelby's professional pictures back from Color Congress and they're FANTASTIC! She looks soo grown!

 Shelby enjoys Elements Choir at our church and they sang some of their Christmas program for the local assisted living home, Dudneywood. She and her buddy Rebecca had a great time!

 It was a little chilly over the weekend so we bathed Max and he got to come in and that night in particular we let him sleep inside all night.  Needless to say, it was like having a 3rd FRISKY CHILD! He hunted an opossum at 2am and didn't want to sleep after that.  Rhett LOVED having him inside and he would just giggle and run as max did too.


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